Overcoming Your Fears & Becoming Confident With Fitness & Community
If you’re struggling with where you are today ( mentally, physically, emotionally)
and you want to change that it's time to take your power back.
We give our power away to people, situations, and various things in our lives.
The best way to overcome your fears, regain your confidence, and feel unstoppable is to find something to empower you & let that spread like a wildfire.
Every day won't be perfect, but along the way you'll gain a tool that can become your secret weapon on the worst of days.
I have a few tips that you can use right now for free.
1. Join a Fitness Community
Find your people and connect with like minded people who are doing things that inspire you to become the best version of yourself. If you're struggling with your mental health, developing stronger interpersonal relationships can help so much more then just your six pack & pull up game. 'just saying' being surrounded by love, support, and encouragement may be just what you need.
Recently I was invited to lead a workout and speak to a group of amazing women at an event called "Get Up And Glow", hosted by Jessica Zermeno and Ashley Bernett and I was so excited as soon as I arrived..
FEAR was completely taking over.
I was sitting in my car letting my worried brain take over, and silly thoughts saying "Who are you to lead this group workout?" and "How are YOU going to inspire these women?"
After a few deep breaths, a car dance party and some Soul CBD... read this message and I took my power back.
This is when your good practices come into play in real life situations.
I'm sharing this to remind you that we ALL have fears and anxieties.
We ALL have times where we don't feel confident.
At the event I met so many beautiful women with a fire inside them to find their power and inner glow & it was so contagious, it inspired me to create this post sharing some takeaways & tips for anyone struggling to overcome fear so that they can create the life they want!
One of the girls shared how she'd come to the event alone and traveled by train to get there... it reminded me of a time when I was in her shoes; taking a train alone to this women's business seminar called "Pays To Be Brave" hosted by Angie Lee back in 2019.
2. You have to be okay with being uncomfortable
In 2019 I went to a women's business seminar called "Pays to be brave" hosted by Angie Lee. I didn't have anyone to go with me to that event, I didn't have a reliable vehicle to get me to the event, so I took a train and made it happen.
I can't imagine what would've happened if i hadn't.
Putting myself in a room surrounded by women I didn't know was one of the best decision's I made that year.
Sometimes you're one scary decision away from the best thing that's happened to you in a long time, but you'll never know unless you put yourself out there.
Being vulnerable is scary but it has its perks in the long run.
3. Use your voice -
Create a power statement; "I am" statements and mantras will be your Best friend when you need a confidence boost.
This is like one of those fancy French scarves you can tie more then a few ways
I gave examples in the podcast episode I shared on this; listen HERE.
Your power statement can change based on how you're feeling and what your current goals are.
Create your statement & commit to saying it at least 5x a day.
Try morning power statements looking in the mirror, those are my favorite!
This can work however you want it to. Your voice, your body, your goals, your statement.
In the podcast episode, I'm teaching you how to incorporate your voice during your workout to keep you going and empower you through fitness.
Make sure to listen to the episode to nail this & get the best results.
If you want to take this a step further in reaching your goals; try a 7 Day Challenge with me.
Take Action, if you want to see a change you have to make a change.
Pick 1 thing from the episode. Make it simple & Do it everyday for a week.
Accountability is Everything Send A Voice Message or Tag me on Instagram @irenexofitness made me do it, I want to clap for you and help you stay accountable to your big scary HARDS!
Click Here & Listen to the latest episode of "Burpees For Breakfast" where I talked all about this.
<3 Irene